bild av mig

bild av mig

onsdag 29 december 2010

London soon! :D

A month left before me and a friend goes to London! Just a month. How can the time sweep away so fast? I'm longing, but in the same time it frightens me. What if I screw up and do all the things that is possible to do wrong, wrong? Or if I don't get a job? I haven't thought of it, but this is the first time ever I don't have my education leaning back on. The first time I have to stand on my own feet and fight to survive. Dramatic, sure, but in the same time this is so true. Without a job, no money. AND without money you end up on the street. The moon as the only light at midnight, and a bunch of old newspapers as your madress and some old hackneyed shoes and a bundling jacket holding you warm in a cold frosty night.


torsdag 23 december 2010

Christmas Eve tomorrow,yay! :D

Longing for tomorrow. Tomorrow it's Christmas Eve here in Sweden. The last two days have been all about cleaning the whole apartment and decorating for Christmas. It's been kind of fun to clean the place, because you can really see a difference, for instance it seems as I acctually have a room. xD I would never have knew that if I didn't rid the floor from clothes, old school-stuff and other unnecessary things. True story! xD

Now it's clean and nice. My mum, brother and I went out shoping food, christmas tree and necessery things for the rabbits at 9am this morning and came home at 4/5pm. Talk about long time being out shoping food and stuff! xD Anyway, back home we put the ham right in the oven so it's eatable tomorrow. ;) Did I tell u we got the christmas-tree for free!? A king-firtree(the swedish name for it:Kungsgran) was it, YES! :D

The christmas-tree last year(it sags in one way as u probably see in the picture. xD)

Happy Christmas in beforehand! :D xD


lördag 4 december 2010

Bowling tonight!

One of my cousins bowling, two years ago if i remember correctly...:)

Can't wait until tonight when i'm gonna go to Gullmarsplan and play bowling with some friends. It was such a long time ago since we did something together.( And i can't wait to get a reason to not studying. xD)

I like the way the weather is outside now. Snow all over the place. BIG like. The perfect weather to sledge or do angels in the snow, hihi. But I haven't found anyone that would like doing these things and I don't have much time for it either. Maybe I should take time doing those things..? Well I hold my thumbs and hope for the snow to stay the whole least! :)
No I have to go, taking a shower so I'm fresh tonight..xD ( and so i can't skip doing the homework a little while longer. hehe xD
