It is February! How did the time past away so fast? Wasn't it Christmas for not so long ago? Im lost and scared. I don't want the time to go so fast as it does. Well, a part of me want the time to go really, really fast a few month, but in the bigger picture, i want it to go a little slower than it now does.
The end of December and the beginning of January was the best time ever, but after that it has only been negative. Maybe my negative attitude comes from me having to work very much after my holiday without a soft start, but i want nothing more than to have a long, long break from it now. So tired of doing the same thing over and over again. It doesn't give me something anymore. The same thing day after day. It's like "every day, Monday".
And to make it even harder...I miss my Stéph so, so, so very much. And there is nothing i can do about it because i can't go and see him now. Waiting is not fun.
Good night my "readers"! Hope you have had great days!