bild av mig

bild av mig

onsdag 24 september 2014

Language !

Since January i live in beautiful France together with my frenchman and by just writing this first frase i notice that i have forgotten much english. It's sad, because i like the english language!

Anyway, i just realized that it's been 9 month in this country! Wow; the time really flies away this year... like every year lately.

During these 9 months have i learned so much about myself, the french language and a little about running also of course ( i live with a runner!). I could never have imagining before going here that i would do so much progresse in the french language. Just in 6 month i could hold a conversation in french. Okay, not i perfect french but a conversation which i found amazing for myself.

Nowdays i speak french, but i have the sensation that i have stopped progressing which is sad, but it's not the end! Everybody has their bad periode in life and mine is now with the language. Soon that will change, i am sure !

Have a good evening!
Ciao amigos !