bild av mig

bild av mig

torsdag 21 november 2013

Hello !

Boo...! Long time ago sense i wrote anything here. Plenty of things have happened sense that day. Oh wow, yes so much changes is taking part now.

First of all i quit my job at McDonald's one month ago and it now remains 2 days to work there. Unbelieveable, but it feels so good to finally leave. And in all this mess my mother have found a smaller apartment and we are moving furnitures every week. And the biggest change is that Stéphane and me are finally at the step at living together. It feel so good , but at the sametimes so, so, so, so scary to leave to build a life in another Europeen country.

My head is nowdays always full of information that makes me extremely confused. It sucks. Don't know what to do with it. I guess writing things here is a good start to let it all come out.

By the way speaking of something completely different. Have you thought about that its not long time left until Christmas is here. I love this time of the year. December is a good month. <3 p="">
Christmas-music will soon be played. By who? Me !! Mohaha.

Good night loyal readers! ;)

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