bild av mig

bild av mig

måndag 2 november 2009

engelska? ja, det var ett bra tag sen! xD

Lets find out how bad my english is. Can it be worse than the last time i wrote here? Oh gosh i hope i don't have to many wrongspelling word and stuff. That would be really embarrassing...:S xD

I don't really remember than i last wrote something here on this blog...However now i am studing my last year in (ehh what do you call gymnasium in english(:P)?) and it's fun. A bit scary, but as i said fun!:D And because that i go social studies alignment (do i använda that word in the right sammanhang) culture, there's not so much at my school-schedule from now and six weeks forward!:D Just simple(okay it's not that simple, not simple at all actually xD) math. Course C is not to play with... :O xD I have math two times a week, and both my math-lessons are 1h and 30minutes long. It's a lot of free time the rest of the days in the week... I wonder what i am suppose to do the rest of the time then i'm not in school. A job wouldn't to bad to get... I cross one's fingers for that one!:)

Hehe 4hours left before my alarm clock start playing and i have to run to the subway so i get in time for my math-lesson. Still i am sitting here in the middle of the night writing a simple, meaningless, boring text about my schedule...How sad isn't that!? :S

But hey i succeeded to write something, even though it's was i very long time since i last wrote something in this language... I remember the last time i spoke english and the last time i read in english, but writing was a reallllllly long time ago. Before the summer actually, okay that maybe not so long ago after all.xD

Sweet dreams!Y :)

lördag 4 juli 2009


Nanananaaaaa it's summertime!!!! :D It was a little while since i actually wrote something here..hehe you can say that i have been a bit busy. Ya know school and stuff. :p So i thought, hey!, i write something...xD Blöööö i am soo not having any imagination..and that is why my friend my blog stinks!

I really wish i had a summerjob like so many of my friends have..why is it so hard to get a job now days?

Haha do you know what i'm trying to do on this picture? I tell you, i am trying to open a wine bottle and i can tell you how it didn't went well..i didn't succeeded to open it, it was impossible so my mum choosed to throw it in the garbage, what a waste!:0

Anyway...bye bye


onsdag 13 maj 2009

Hmm how can i solve this problem..xD??

OMG raindrops keep falling on the ground..okey i have absolutly no idea were i got that from..xD We can just say that i am a bit crazy..xD

My brother is watching the Hulk on the TV now so it makes it hard for me to concentrate. Schoolstuff and blogging comes in second hand..:P Usch, i don't even like the new version of the Hulk, and still i'm watching the dame movie. Typical me to be distracted by a stupid movie...maybe this can explain why it allways takes such a long time for me to finish schoolwork. Pity..:/ Oh that's reminding me of that i have a lot to do until friday.. I wish i had more time..xD

Well, i guess that everything will be solved in the end..

As allways will i forgive for my 5th grade english..xD

bye bye!

onsdag 22 april 2009

Summer soon? :D

It was a while ago seens i wrote something here. Not much have changed, i am still wondering about my future and it is painful to even think about it. Oh great now i'm thinking about it again..anoying.:(

Well, what has changed seens last it's spring. Flowers everywere i turn and it's quiet warm outside time to time. Hehe, that's the irritating part of it, the weather just can't decide if it want to be warm or cold. I hope it is getting somewere soon, make a choose and i hope for warmth. :D It would be pretty nice if it was like in the summer when you can put your jacket in the clauset and just wear a dress or something else. I am so longing for it!:D

As you probably have noticed so are my text not so wellwritten, bad grammer and stuff, but i hope that you don't have any problem reading it even if it's not the best written text in the world.:P xD

söndag 8 mars 2009

Panic...kind of...

"Efter plugget det fixar sig alltid..." I am really worried. I can't stop thinking; " what am i meant to do after school?" and " Will my grades be enought if i would like to have a certain job in the future?". I get so stressed when i think of the future. I don't even know what i am good at. Everything feels so confusing..:( Panic is the word.

It is one year and a half before i graduate from LÉstradska(Vittra). And i haven't even had a job. You need experience to get a good job. People don't want to hire an unexperied person. "Experience is the key to success!" Without experience, so can you only see a future with haaaard work for success.. Why, why, why? :S

For two years ago i wrote in this blog that i was worried to end up on ica, selling sausage and mash-powder(potato). Nowdays i fear that i'm not even going to have the look to even get a job there.. I am so afraid. Where will a end up working? On the supermarket? A garbageman? What, what, what!? :S :S

I am apologizing for the grammar in this blogcontribution..xD

Bye bye!
Sheephugs! :)

söndag 4 januari 2009

Hmm framtida jobb?

Your Learning Style: Idealistic and Flexible

You enjoy learning anything that can help others... from making the world more beautiful to saving lives.

You Should Study:
*Environmental Science
*Fashion Design
*Interior design
*International Studies
*Restaurant management
*Studio Ar
*Veterinary Medicine