bild av mig

bild av mig

fredag 15 juni 2012


Two days have past sense he wrote me something so today i wrote to him again. He is so cute..haha!:D He is busy with "a war" that he has against his neboure... I am relieved to hear that i didn't wrote him something that he didn't liked to read.:) Now i am gonna try to find enought focus to watch the EM-game Sweden vs England,but i think i'll need some snacks if im gonna make it trought.xD Time to go out and buy some i guess and when i'll find out if football is anything for me.

onsdag 6 juni 2012

Happy girl! :D

I go to bed ever night with a happy, happy feeling. This is the best time in my life and i tresure every second of it.


måndag 4 juni 2012

Right or wrong?

I am so happy, happier than I have been in a long long time. I don't care what other people think about me and my writing to the guy i don't know to well. There is plenty of time to get to know each other. He is such a nice guy, with an amazing smile and it feels so natural to write to him.

I miss him, but that is one thing i havn't been truly honest about with friends. I don't what them to judge me. They probably see this like something that is or couldn't be serious. But if you don't give things a chance how will you than find out? Ok, i can see the hatch. 1) We have only meet twice and the first time i was a bit drunk. 2) We dont live in the same country.

But i don't see these to things as something that have to stop us from getting to know each other and so on.

He is really sweet and that is something i already felt the first time we meet, from the beginning. I feel that he is a honest person with a huge heart and that is what i will continue to believe.

Ok, everything im writing feels a bit stupid an naive, but when i meet people i usually leave them by themself after a while and kind of  "run away", but with this guy it didn't feel like i had to do that and sometimes you should trust the voice in your head that tells you that it's the right thing to do.