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bild av mig

onsdag 22 april 2009

Summer soon? :D

It was a while ago seens i wrote something here. Not much have changed, i am still wondering about my future and it is painful to even think about it. Oh great now i'm thinking about it again..anoying.:(

Well, what has changed seens last it's spring. Flowers everywere i turn and it's quiet warm outside time to time. Hehe, that's the irritating part of it, the weather just can't decide if it want to be warm or cold. I hope it is getting somewere soon, make a choose and i hope for warmth. :D It would be pretty nice if it was like in the summer when you can put your jacket in the clauset and just wear a dress or something else. I am so longing for it!:D

As you probably have noticed so are my text not so wellwritten, bad grammer and stuff, but i hope that you don't have any problem reading it even if it's not the best written text in the world.:P xD